Greetings from home!

Did you know that you can discover new ways to greet someone... at home?

These days you are constantly hear much information about our health and how we can protect our body. You wash your hands all the time, you spend a lot of time at home, you don't hug your friends.

But… how can we greet our friends from afar?

Many peoples in the world greet each other without shaking hands or embracing each other. One of the most famous greeting is the traditional Chinese greeting #gongshou, where they put their punch in the opposite palm. Another is #namaste in India, who greet with their hands together and a small curtsey.

What will your greeting be? Which part of your body will you use? Move your body in different ways in front of the mirror and experiment with your hands, head, and even your feet.

Don't forget to greet the rest of your family!
